How to Encrypt PDF Files with PDFMate PDF Converter?
Have you ever been bothering how to encrypt your PDF files?
1. Is there an easy way to encrypt a PDF?
I need to be able to send my parents a copy of some documents I have in PDF format, but I want to ensure privacy and encrypt them first. Is there some easy way to do this?
2. Is there a way to encrypt PDF without acrobat?
I'm trying to prevent people from coping my PDF files or print them out but I don't have Acrabat. Is there another way I can protect them without it? I have windows, powerpoint, windows XP. Is there a free LEGIT website that at softwere that protects it?
3. How to encrypt a PDF file?
How to secure a PDF file by encryption so as to deny copying or printing of the data from the file?
PDFMate PDF Converter is a powerful program for converting PDF files to all popular formats, rearranging PDF files and encrypting PDF with new password for protection.
PDFMate PDF Converter Free
- Convert PDF to Text, Word, EPUB, Image, HTML, SWF;
- Merge PDF files with high speed and precision;
- Combine and convert PDF files at fast speed;
- Specify page range to extract pages from a PDF file;
- Set password for opening, copying and editing PDF files.
Download and run this program, choose output format PDF. In advanced settings, you can encrypt your PDF files.
Encrypt PDF File
On the right is a Security section which allows you to set password for protecting PDF file.
- Check Open Password, you can set password for opening PDF.
- Check Permission Password, you can set password for either PDF processing actions like editing, copying or printing
With these settings, you can output confidential PDF file with high security assurance. No one could read or process your PDF file without your permission.
If all options are well set and the PDF is ready for export, click OK and move to the interface to output your files.